Oct. 31, 2010
Happy Halloween! This is the last of the photo a day project. It was a pleasure to be able to see the work of m.k. smith and Jamie Lynn Chevillet everyday.
Oct. 30, 2010
A beautiful find at the grocery store, turban squash. Almost don't want to cut him open.
Oct. 27, 2010
The view from my window.
Oct. 25, 2010
Baking a cake.
Oct. 24, 2010
Halloween cupcakes.
Oct. 23, 2010
Celebrating Halloween with candy eyes.
Oct. 22, 2010
My new kitchen sink. It's very big, and very white.
Oct. 21, 2010
So, I have been in the process of moving, and that on top of other factors (like not being able to find my battery charger, or not having internet) have made my photo a day posts a bit sparse. But I am back! Everything is pretty much in order, and I am here with some parsley.
Oct. 17, 2010
Our first dinner in our new appartment, stuffed baked tomatoes.
Oct. 16, 2010
Drying Mushrooms for a stir fry.
Oct. 15, 2010
The end to a very long week.
Oct. 14, 2010

My father's homemade pasta operation. It is always a treat, and always such a pleasure to have him home.
Oct. 13, 2010
Family Dinner.
Oct. 12, 2010
Out of ice tea.
Oct. 10, 2010
Yesterday was a crazy day, and I had no time to shot anything. This photo is from Saturday, but I wanted to at least post something for Sunday.
Oct. 9, 2010
A barbeque with some amazing friends. We had Argentine Chorizo a la Brazilian. In Brazil they serve fatty meats with lime. It's a delicious idea.
Oct. 8, 2010
Four fresh avocados from a neighboring tree. Also the first avocados to be pictured on The Avocado Pit.
Oct. 7, 2010
A couple of pears, the beginning of autumn.
Oct. 6, 2010
A bouquet of beets to celebrate the change of season.
Oct. 5, 2010
A new addition to the family.
Oct. 4, 2010
Preparations for my first autumn salad of the season. Endive, apple & walnut...recipe to follow shortly.
Oct. 3, 2010
The first pumpkins of the season on my cutting block.
Oct. 2, 2010
A photo a day, day two. Coming in from the Jungle.
Oct. 1, 2010
The photo above is taken in the forgotten jungle that is my back yard.